Cross-sectorial dialogue on Low Carbon Transition in Colombia
With French Development Agency (AFD)
Under the direction of the French Development Agency (AFD), we are working on a project focused on Colombia’s transition to a low-carbon economy.
Building on AFD’s work on macroeconomic trajectory modelling for the Colombian transition (GEMMES) and working alongside with representatives from Colombian ministries, we developed PowerShift – a strategy game that represents key opportunities and challenges in the transition. The aim is to support cross-sectoral policy dialogue and decision-making around the transition.
In June and September 2024, we conducted a series of strategy game workshops that brought together more than 160 participants from various Colombian ministries, the energy sector, financial institutions, cooperation organisations, civil society, academia, and more. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with participants noting the game’s relevance to the Colombian context while acknowledging its applicability to other economies. The game was seen as a valuable tool to understand the country’s vulnerabilities in the face of the global transition, to gain insights from different sectors and actors, and to explore the potential impacts of new policies.
Intense discussion at the government table
Investors trading goods in PowerShift, Bogota 2024
Story written by: LEAF
Photo credits: LEAF
Highlights and results from the June 2024 game workshops: